Double Vaccinated Bill Maher Is Angry

by Avi Abelow

I have been following Bill Maher for a few years, and while I do not agree with everything, he has consistently been one of the remaining true liberals who use common sense on many political issues, especially when it comes to Israel, and even on covid. He continues to voice the common sense that is being censored by governments, the medical industry and the establishment media. Thank you Bill Maher.

Back in February 2022 Bill Maher blasted the medical industry.

Bill Maher has ripped the medical industry over its handling of the pandemic, arguing that a lot of COVID-19 misinformation has actually come from those who represent “the science.

“The same people, who in private care, always say ‘get a second opinion’ want to only allow one in the public debate,” Maher said on Friday’s episode of “Real Time With Bill Maher.”

“The medical-industrial complex has not earned the right to claim monopoly status on information about this virus or medicine in general. Yes, free speech has allowed people to hear misinformation sometimes — and a lot of it was yours.”

The 65-year-old comedian railed against the medical industry as he insisted it was time for the US to go back to living normally because there’ll always be another COVID-19 variant.

Maher pointed to a study last week from the Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics that found lockdowns had “little to no effect” on saving lives during the pandemic.

“I’m not saying the medical establishment isn’t trying to figure s–t out … But how about just wrong. Wrong a lot,” he said.

“Wrong about lockdowns, wrong about kids, wrong about ‘You couldn’t get it if you were vaccinated.’ Remember washing our packages?

“I’m just asking, how much wrong do you get to be while still holding the default setting for people who represent the science?”

Then in April, 2020, he publicly called the medical industry out again on a Joe Rogan program.

“I don’t trust them to tell me the truth about what they put in there,” Maher said

“Most people are giving us too much credit for where we are medically,” he continued. “My point of view is we are still at the infancy of understanding how the human body works. So don’t tell me things like, ‘Just do what we say, don’t question it. When have we ever been wrong?’ A lot.”

“All the time!” Rogan chimed.

Maher also took a swipe at health-care experts saying, “‘We are perfectly certain that this vaccine is safe!’ You don’t f—ing know that!”

“If you are one of those people who didn’t get it at all, you must be very diligent, very careful, and you have no friends,” Maher quipped.

“It’s ridiculous. I don’t want to live in your paranoid world anymore, your masked paranoid world. It’s silly now. You mask, you have to have a card, you have to have a booster, they scan your head. Like you’re a cashier and I’m a bunch of bananas. I’m not bananas — you are!”

Maher, who is vaccinated, tested positive for COVID-19 last spring and admitted that getting the shot “probably” helped him not get sick.

“Did it help? Probably? I don’t know. We don’t know. Yes, probably. I don’t know,” he said. “You know, most people who got the thing never got very sick. Less than 4% went to the hospital — I know media doesn’t like to talk about that.”

“They drilled mercury into my teeth when I was a child. Now, of course, we don’t do that anymore, but do you really think in 50 years people will look back and say, ‘Oh, yeah, we had it all figured out in 2022’? No, they will be appalled at things we’re doing right now.”

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