Israel is on its way to curing some of the most well known diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Crohn’s disease. For such a small country, their constant medical breakthroughs are astonishing. And this recent one deserves a major applause. If the world wants to boycott Israel, then they don’t deserve to benefit from any of these medical advances, including this new one.
Multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer’s, Crohn’s, and Colitis are not diseases that anyone wants to hear they have, or that someone close to them has. Although not all chronic diseases are fatal, managing them is difficult. Israel is working to change that. The tiny, Jewish country is heading towards a cure for these diseases – with just one drug. Just ONE! Among these diseases that Israel is attempting to treat is MS, which might be the most common of these diseases. It affects millions of people all over the world.
People have been eagerly waiting for cures to these illnesses. Although it might take years and some money before human trials, the potential drug gives results which other treatments have not. And that is something to celebrate.