When the Biden Administration Backstabbed Israel To Win Favor With Iran

by Micha Gefen

The Biden administration has caused a series of foreign policy blunders. First Afghanistan, then Ukraine, and now leaking sensitive information regarding Israel’s role in the latest assassination of an Iranian military leader.

The leak regarding Israel’s responsibility in the latest assassination within Iran’s upper echelons was sourced in the NY Times ability to receive serious information directly from the Biden administration. Only Biden’s team had direct knowledge of Israel’s invlolvement.

Colonel Hassan Sayad Khodayari from the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ Quds Force who assassinated in Tehran on Sunday, was linked to several high-profile assassination attempts on Israeli diplomats and figures across the world, Saudi-sponsored news outlet Iran International reported on Monday.

It has been clear from the beginning that the Biden administration would be more antagonistic to Israel, but the damage the leak has done to trust between the two governments may be unfixable until a new administration enters the White House in 2024.

The challenge for the Bennett government is how does it stand up to the USA when itself can barely stand on its own?

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