America First Includes Israel

by Phil Schneider

What a brilliant exposition by Ken Abramowitz about the true nature of America First. America First, he explains, is all about Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for the RIGHT people. What a great way of putting it to say that the Biden administration is all about putting America last – simple but brilliant. Putting America first means placing the interests of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness of all of the non-criminals at the top of the priority heap. And yes – that refers to the entire world – not just the United States.   

Supporting isolationism is actually the opposite of having a truly America First mentality. Isolationism is basically the same as sticking one’s beak in the sand and closing one’s eyes. America does not need to become embroiled in every world conflict. Perhaps America does not need to have boots on the ground fighting anywhere in the world. But that will only happen if America keeps it’s eyes open everywhere, supports those who also support Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness – like Israel, and confronts the bad actors like China with economic policies that serve the interests of the United States. 

The strong isolationist tendencies in the United States during the 1930’s led to America’s late involvement in World War II. That directly led to hundreds of thousands of more US Army casualties. Germany could have been stopped in it’s tracks in 1937 or 1938 far more effectvely, but America was not ready to join and fight, England was still waiving promises from Hitler, and the Soviet Union was colluding with Germany. The lend-lease agreement stalled the inevitable – American G.I’s on the ground in Europe. So, before this repeats itself, the US must decide to do everything to engage in the rest of the world if they don’t want to end up with boots on the ground fighting outside of the United States. 

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