A Look at the Temples Like You Have Never Seen Before

by Phil Schneider

The heart and soul of the Jewish people is the Temple in Jerusalem. Although it has been destroyed for more than 2,000 years, it has never stopped being the center of all spiritual energy of the Jewish people through a seemingly endless exile. It is probably the source of the never-ending connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and to the Lord. 

This OU-Israel video is an excellent production that displays so much of what can be displayed about the unique connection that the Jewish people possess with their Lord via the Temple in Jerusalem. Today that connection is a mere fraction of what the connection used to be when the Temple stood and the Jewish people were able to serve in the Temple according to the Laws of the Bible. 

The yearning for the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem is mentioned at every Jewish wedding, at every Passover Seder, and at the end of services on the Holiest Day of the Year, Yom Kippur. Additionally, it is an essential part of all of the daily prayer services. 

But the most poignant method of remembering the Temple in the year, when the entire focus of the day is the pain and suffering of the Jewish people without the Temple, is on Tisha B’Av, the Ninth Day of the month of Av. Millions of Jewish people around the world mourn the destruction of the Temple and pray for its rebuilding every summer. This masterpiece OU production will help anyone understand what the Temple meant back then and what it means today to the Jewish people and the entire world. May it be rebuilt speedily in our time.  

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