With nearly 800 thousand Israelis already vaccinated, Israel is fast becoming the world leader in COVID-19 vaccinations.
Prime Minister Netanyahu’s procurement of millions of dosages of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and Israel’s organized rollout has now set the stage for Israel being able to leave the coronavirus behind by Spring, just in time for Israel fourth election in two years.
Israel’s success in vaccinating its public was not lost on many in the foreign press.
A headline in Germany’s Die Wilt read as follows: “While in Germany we need to wait months for the vaccination, Israel has moved into turbo-drive.”
German TV station ARD reported from Tel Aviv, “Israel plans vaccinating 60% of its population by March. In Germany that target won’t be achieved until the end of the summer.”
The German magazine “Focus” praised the persistence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who personally called Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to speed the matter up.