Israeli Singers Sing G-d is One on Television

by Avi Abelow

This is one of the famous traditional songs sung by Jews at the Passover seder each and every year.

I love this!!! The most amazing part of this video is that it shows how mostly all Israelis, regardless of how religious they are, celebrate our traditional holiday of Passover. Beautiful!

This song broadcast on Israeli TV by A-list Israeli singers gives everyone an insight into Israeli society, while the anti-religious left are very strong in culture, the media, academia, the courts etc. a large majority of Israeli society has a strong connection to Jewish tradition, regardless of the level of their religious observance. This is the real Israel. And sometimes it comes across on television, like with this program.

The Fun English Version

Note: According to Orthodox tradition we are not supposed to write out G-d’s name out of respect and awe for the One Above. Hence the title G-d, without the “o”.

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