Gov. DeSantis is being watched by many people. He is not the only young and up and coming Republican leader. Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo, and a few others all have what it takes to shine on the national scene. But there are a few specific categories of people watching Ron DeSantis very closely – and for good reason.
The Democrat leadership across America is scared out of their minds due to Ron DeSantis’ popularity in Florida. Florida is not just a large State. It is the largest State that is a battleground State as far as mandates go. Had Donald Trump not won Florida, Hillary Clinton would have been President. A popular Florida Republican is a nightmare for the Democrats – especially if Ron DeSantis decides to NOT run for President. He can use his position to prop up Donald Trump, who is probably not as popular with independents in Florida as DeSantis is.
But the other group that is also closely watching DeSantis are the people in the inner orbit of Donald Trump. They know that DeSantis would probably be the #1 challenger in a Republican primary. DeSantis has gingerly steppe back from giving any indication that he will run in 2024. He is young and prudent enough that he will probably choose to focus on 2028 when Donald Trump will be out of the mix.
But the most important group of people watching DeSantis are the Republican candidates for Congress all across the United States. Many of the new candidates will pattern themselves on DeSantis and Yougkin. They are the young, energetic winners of the party. DeSantis is a less comabative version of Donald Trump with similar policy positions on most matters. But what is unique about him is that he does it in a very in-your-face way. He is very likable, well-read, and intelligent. Most of all, he learns from mistakes – his and others. He will almost certainly be a formidable force on the national scene whenever he decides to jump in. But even now, he is a force to be reckoned with.