BBC SCANDAL! Journalist Admits to Tommy Robinson that BBC is Hiding Information From the Public About Muslim Crimes in UK

by Brian of London

In this video BBC Journalist, Daniel Sandford, starts with the premise that Tommy Robinson’s words have moved someone to attempt to kill Muslims. The BBC man tries to make a case that because Tommy Robinson tweeted about and reported the mere existence of the notorious and annual Iranian Al Quds Day March in London, where Hezbollah supporters wave terrorist flags and shout for the destruction of Israel, a man was prompted to drive a van into a crowd of Muslims.

Facebook has removed the damning video from its platform. Since Tommy’s account has also been suspended on Twitter. The clip can be found in the full youtube video below.

Why focus on the march

The BBC never give this anti-Israel and anti-Jewish march much attention domestically. And now we know why. They don’t want to tell the truth to the British people about how strong Islam is in their nation and how much it hates them and Israel. Because, according to this BBC journalist, 3 terrorist attacks in a few weeks, murdering dozens of people including children and injuring many hundreds, is not as serious a motivation as Tommy Robinson showing how strong and how hostile Islam is in Britain today. The rape of  hundreds of thousands of white British girls over the last 25 years (as shown to the country in a 3 hour BBC documentary) is also brushed aside in the rush to tar Tommy telling the truth.

This is an astonishing surreptitiously filmed video of an interview between journalist, Tommy Robinson and a journalist from the BBC. This video was made necessary because in the trial of Darren Osborne, a man accused of driving a van (he is pleading not guilty) into a group of Muslims outside a mosque resulting in the death of one man. Either the Crown Prosecution or the media (it’s not clear exactly at this stage) specifically reported that direct messages from Tommy Robinson were found on the defendant’s computers.

This was clarified later to be merely direct emails from the Rebel Media mailing list which go to a million subscribers.

The trial continues.

Here is the full interview

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